E Motel: A web comic
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Jenny's One-Off Cartoon for Yours Truly

Jenny's toon

During the summer of 2002-3, I was involved (and possibly instrumental) in getting Jennifer Diane Reitz' web comic Unicorn Jelly into print. My reward was not only a complementary copy of Volume 1 (with colour inserts,) but the above cartoon gracing the inside front cover.

Of course, you're wondering how to purchase your own copy. Well, not any more, right?

Elf Life Guide  Quake Map Shed  Tac Nuke Bubblebath

E Motel is mostly the work of Rob Cruickshank c. 2002, except for some derivative stuff. This web host is not responsible for whatever filth is here, so complain to Mr Cruickshank, ya big sook. If you want to use some of this garbage - heaven knows why - in your own work, please credit the rightful author/s.