E Motel: A web comic
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Recommended Shopping

What? You expected T-shirts and other bumpf? No, all I'm going to do here is provide links to the CDs (especially the CDs,) books and god only knows what else I think you should spend your money on. Apart from me. I needs it.


The Clean: Getaway
This CD contains the track that gave this strip both its name and its location. While you're checking that out, you'd be wise to give their Anthology a go too.

The Front Lawn: Songs From the Front Lawn
This CD contains the song A Man And a Woman, which I referenced a couple of lines from. You may also be interested in their other album, More Songs From the Front Lawn.

The Tom Bosley Experience: The Spark of Inspiration
I found out about this CD through the magic of LiveJournal, and purchased it that very night. Groovy electronic stews of all sorts of good things. And they sent me a free sneak peek at their second album too... Hehehee!


Morrieson's Motel, ed. Gordon McLauchlan
Twelve New Zealand fiction writers each write up a piece of what happened on one eventful and fully booked weekend at their South Taranaki establishment. Clever, twisty and well worth a look.

Unicorn Jelly, Jennifer Diane Reitz
As an editor of this comic strip, I naturally recommend this two-volume and three hundred page SF opus. Don't be put off by the cutesy beginning; it soon gets harder and darker as the story progresses.

Elf Life Guide  Quake Map Shed  Tac Nuke Bubblebath

E Motel is mostly the work of Rob Cruickshank c. 2002, except for some derivative stuff. This web host is not responsible for whatever filth is here, so complain to Mr Cruickshank, ya big sook. If you want to use some of this garbage - heaven knows why - in your own work, please credit the rightful author/s.